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By : Marsigit

Reviewed by : Syahlan Romadon (09301241041)

Keputusan Sisdiknas No 20 tahun 2003 menegaskan bahwa Sistem Pendidikan Indonesia harus mengembangkan kecerdasan dan keterampilan individu, mempromosikan perilaku yang baik, patriotisme, dan tanggung jawab sosial, harus mendorong sikap positif dari kemandirian dan pembangunan. Meningkatkan kualitas pengajaran adalah salah satu tugas yang paling penting dalam meningkatkan standar pendidikan di Indonesia. Itu dimulai pada bulan Juni 2006, berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri No 22, 23,24 tahun 2006, Pemerintah Indonesia telah menerapkan kurikulum baru untuk pendidikan dasar dan menengah, yang disebut KTSP "Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan".
Berpikir matematis memiliki keanekaragaman pengetahuan yang sederhana atau keterampilan. Ini adalah bukti bahwa berpikir matematis melayani tujuan penting dalam memberikan kemampuan untuk memecahkan masalah sendiri, dan ini tidak terbatas pada masalah khusus.
Pengajaran harus fokus pada pemikiran matematika termasuk metode matematika. Pertanyaan berhubunganan dengan pemikiran matematika dan metode harus diajukan didasarkan pada perspektif jenis pertanyaan apa.
Katagiri, S. (2004) menunjukkan bahwa pertanyaan harus dibuat sehingga proses pemecahan masalah matematika memunculkan pemikiran dan metode. Dia mendaftar pertanyaan analisis yang dirancang untuk menumbuhkan pemikiran matematika yaitu mengenai masalah pembentukan dan pemahaman,membangun sebuah perspektif, pelaksana solusi, organisasi logis.
Dalam pembelajaran, para peneliti telah berusaha untuk mengungkap gambaran di mana guru diupayakan untuk mempromosikan metode matematika dalam mempelajari total luas sebuah silinder lingkaran tegak dan bola serta volume kerucut lingkaran tegak.
Hasil penelitian dapat dinyatakan bahwa metode matematika siswa dapat ditelusuri melalui skema kegiatan belajar mengajar sebagai berikut:
1.Masalah Pembentukan dan Pemahaman yang muncul ketika siswa: mengamati model tertentu dari silinder lingkaran tegak, mengamati model tertentu dari bola, dan mengamati model tertentu kerucut lingkaran tegak. Mengidentifikasi komponen-komponen dari silinder lingkaran tegak, bola, dan kerucut. Mendefinisikan konsep silinder lingkaran tegak, bola, dan kerucut. Memiliki pertanyaan dan pemberitahuan dari guru untuk mencari konsep-konsep
2. Membangun Perspektif suatu yang muncul ketika siswa : Menggunakan model beton untuk mencari total luas silinder lingkaran tegak, area bola dan volume kerucut lingkaran tegak. Belajar bahwa tinggi silinder lingkaran adalah sama dengan lebar persegi panjang tersebut; dan keliling lingkaran adalah sama dengan panjang persegi panjang. Memahami prosedur cara mencari volume kerucut lingkaran tegak.
3. Solusi Pelaksana yang muncul ketika siswa: mencoba untuk mencari tahu area lateral silinder lingkaran tegak,mencoba untuk mengetahui total luas silinder lingkaran tegak,mencoba untuk mengetahui daerah lingkup,mengumpulkan data dari pengukuran volume kerucut dibandingkan dengan volume silinder
Oleh Marsigit

Reviewed by: Syahlan Romadon (09301241041)

Mathematic can form concrete object materially , picture or cube model , the various number of symbol , square pool , pyramid in Egypt , etc . Mathematic can form pure mathematic formality , axiomatic mathematic , formal mathematic , or mathematic can be defined deductively . Normative, we can not learn mathematic materially and formality but we learn with the value of mathematics . Metaphysically , mathematic appearance many kind of level dimension of meaning can be reach meta –cognitive .
Developed mathematics in school have aspects understanding about the truth of mathematic , the truth of school mathematic , the truth of mathematic education , the truth of mathematic value , the truth of mathematic learning ,the truth of mathematic teaching learning , the truth of school mathematic cultivate, . Commonly , what are talking about , two question are what the object and what the method ? Mathematic , mathematic education , mathematic learning , and so on have the meaning that contain in their object . So every activity always thinking the question about what they think . What they think is called object . The last question is called method .
There are Many Kind of View about Mathematic and How to Learn . Because of the mathematic context and the mathematic method formally , because the truth , make mathematic become abstract , general , objective , rational , and theoretic . That is the truth of science and mathematic .According Shirley (1986) with this approach absolute community build formal mathematic considered neutral and the independent value . Social Constructivism consider that mathematic is human’s work during fixed time . So mathematic is considered as science related with culture and their creator value in their culture’s context .The history of Mathematic is the history of formed , not only connected with expressing the truth , but also the emerge problem , definition , statement , proof , and theory that communicate and re-formulated by an individual or group .
In the effort , student must get or learn mathematic objective knowledge , student need development the procedure for example : follow the step made by the other people , make step informally , determine the first step , use the step that development ,have definition so the people can be emerged , compare the step , and adapted the step . Interaction social between student and teacher can give criticism activity for revised concept , so that student get revised concept so that subjective knowledge of mathematic is equal to objective knowledge .
By: Marsigit

Review by: Syahlan Romadon (09301241041)

Pada matematika pendidikan di indonesia memiliki indikasi bahwa prestasi anak dalam mata pelajaran matematika dan sains adalah rendah, ditunjukkan dengan hasil ujian nasional tahun demi tahun semakin rendah. Penguasaan anak-anak pada konsep matematika dan keterampilan proses matematika masih rendah. Hal ini mungkin karena:
1. Kekurangan kegiatan laboratorium.
2. Kurangnya guru yang memiliki ilmu menguasai keterampilan pendekatan proses.
3. Isi di Matematika dan ilmu kurikulum terlalu banyak.
4. Ketentuan waktu terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi administrasi untuk
5. Kurangnya peralatan laboratorium dan sumber daya laboratorium manusia.
Penelitian juga menunjukkan ketidakcocokan bahwa di antara tujuan pendidikan, kurikulum, dan sistem evaluasi
yang dapat diidentifikasi dengan mengikuti:
1. Ujian Nasional hanya menilai anak-anak kemampuan kognitif saja.
2. Pelaksanaan sistem yang terlambat dan mempertimbangkan perbedaan individu tidak tepat;.
3. Sistem masuk universitas pemeriksaan dianggap memicu dasar
dan guru sekolah menengah menerapkan berorientasi tujuan daripada proses yang berorientasi dalam mengajar matematika dan sains.
4. Guru banyak yang masih mengalami kesulitan dalam menjabarkan silabus.
5. Jumlah topik matematika dianggap sulit bagi guru untuk mengajar.
6. Siswa beranggapan matematika sulit dipahami.
7. Guru menganggap bahwa mereka masih membutuhkan panduan untuk melakukan proses pengajaran dengan menggunakan ilmu pengetahuan pendekatan keterampilan daripada proses.
Enam prinsip sebagai panduan pengembangan kurikulum:
1. Kesempatan untuk belajar matematika untuk semua.
2. Kurikulum bukanlah sekedar kumpulan materi tetapi
harus mencerminkan kegiatan matematika koheren.
3. Pembelajaran matematika perlu teori yang komprehensif kegiatan siswa, kesiapan mereka untuk belajar dan peran guru
memfasilitasi mereka belajar.
4. Kesempatan kepada pelajar untuk mengembangkan konsep-konsep matematika.
5. Perlunya mengembangkan penilaian tertanam untuk mengajar proses belajar.
6. Menggunakan berbagai jenis mengajar sumber belajar.
Kurikulum menguraikan tujuan belajar mengajar matematika adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Untuk memahami konsep matematika.
2. Untuk mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir untuk mempelajari pola dan karakteristik matematika.
3. Untuk mengembangkan keterampilan pemecahan masalah yang mencakup masalah menguraikan model matematika.
4. Untuk berkomunikasi dengan ide-ide matematika dengan menggunakan simbol, tabel, diagram dan media lainnya.
5. Untuk mengembangkan apresiasi dari penggunaan matematika dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, keingintahuan, pertimbangan, dan kemauan
untuk belajar matematika serta tangguh dan percaya diri.
By: Dr. Marsigit M.A.

Reviewed by : Syahlan Romadon (09301241041)

Lesson study has been developed over hundreds of years ago in Japan and has now spread all over the world, lesson study is a multi-level approach to improving the quality of learning. Lesson Study developed by Criced since 2004 at least two areas, namely education math and special education. But with the growth in time try to Lesson Study in other subjects. Lesson Study is a basic element of cooperation, the cooperation among teachers, teacher cooperation with lecturers and cooperation among agencies such as schools, universities, MGMP or the Department of Education. Cooperation based on self-disclosure developed by AMFITIL with for reflection and communication processes and learning outcomes. Therefore Lesson Study can be viewed as an improvement of activity and by the teacher. Lecturer in certain cases act as an external observer or as a resource for discussion of aspects of learning that appears.
Foundations associated with the development of education of children with special needs. Such as: Law No.20 of 2003 National Education System Article 32 paragraph (1) that special education is an education for students who have difficulty in following the learning process because of physical, emotional, mental, social, or has the potential of intelligence and special trap, paragraph (2) that special education is an educational service for students in remote or underdeveloped areas, indigenous people are isolated, and experiencing natural disasters, disasters are not capable of social and economic terms. Given the diversity of the potential capabilities and the difficulties experienced by children with special needs, then it is logical that the development of learning certainly requires more attention.
Meanwhile Ebutt and Straker (1995) defines school mathematics including for children with special needs not merely as a science as an-sich but rather as a creative and social activity that gives opportunities for children with special needs to look for patterns or relationships among one concept with other concepts, conducting investigations in accordance with the abilities of each child, trying to solve math problems, and communicate the results of the results to a friend or teacher, either orally or in writing. Torey Hayden (2004) suggested that teachers are always members and plan relief assistance either orally, in writing or the visual cortex of learning based on existing and link it to concrete objects, repetitions, and serve the needs of supporting learning in the classroom immediately.
By : Dr. Marsigit, MA

Reviewed By : Syahlan Romadon (09301241041)

Tujuan mempelajari filosofi dari pendidikan matematika adalah untuk memudahkan siswa mengembangkan visi tentang pendidikan matematika dan semua aspeknya. Filsafat dari pendidikan matematika membahas mengenai konsep matematika dan pendidikan matematika pada praktek-praktek pendidikan. Menurut Hoyles dan Cooney (1988), mengajar matematika berarti juga memfasilitasi proses pembelajaran siswa sehingga pengajaran yang baik memerlukan kombinasi antara subjek komptensi, fleksibilitas gaya mengajar, strategi dan kepedulian terhadap kebutuhan kognitif, sosial dan emosional siswa. Posisi filosofis yang berbeda secara signifikan menyebabkan adanya perbedaan terhadap implikasinya dalam pendidikan.
Pengajaran matematika memang dianggap sulit karena kebanyakan siswa mempunyai image bahwa matematika merupakan pelajaran yang sulit. Pada umumnya, guru juga merasa kesulitan untuk mengubah gaya mereka dalam mengajar.
Filsafat pendidikan matematika meliputi review mengenai beberapa masalah pokok dalam pendidikan matematika. Sifat matematika, nilai matematika, sifat mahasiswa, sifat pembelajaran, sifat pengajaran matematika, sifat sumber belajar mengajar, sifat penilaian, sifat sekolah matematika dan sifat siswa belajar matematika juga dilayani dalam filsafat pendidikan matematika.
Secara khusus, Paulus (1994) menguraikan isu-isu matematika sebagai berikut :
1. Matematika pedagogi, pemecahan masalah dan pendekatannya diteliti untuk dibandingkan dengan pendekatan tradisional
2. Teknologi dalam mengajar matematika, penggunaan alat elektronik seperti kalkulator diijinkan untuk digunakan
3. Matematika dan simbolisasi
4. Matematika dan budaya
Yohanes Munchak (2004), mengindikasikan bahwa dalam rangka memberikan pelajaran yang menarik dan menantang, maka guru perlu mengetahui karakteristik siswa tersebut. Setiap siswa datang dengan kemampuan, motivasi, sikap, tujuan, dan latar belakang budaya.
Tidak ada yang berpendapat bahwa pendidikan matematika terkait dengan masyarakat. Namun, kita bisa belajar sejauh mana hubungannya. Paulus Ernest (1994), menyampaikan beberapa pertanyaan, yaitu : apa tujuan pendidikan matematika yang akan dihargai masyarakat? Kepada siapa akan diajarkan? Siapa yang berpartisipasi dalam praktek mengajar matematika? Apa hubungan matematika dan masyarakat? dan sebagainya,.
Pada umumnya, filosofi pendidikan matematika bertujuan untuk menjelaskan dan menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan tentang status dan objek dasar pendidikan matematika serta metodenya, yaitu ontologis, mengklarifikasi sifat dari masing-masing komponen pendidikan matematika dan epistemologis mengklarifikasi apakah semua pernyataan yang bermakna pendidikan matematika memiliki tujuan dan menentukan kebenaran. Memahami hukum-hukum alam, hukum matematika, hukum pendidikan yang memiliki status yang sama, dan bentuk nyata dari objek pendidikan matematika.
Philosophical Explanation on Mathematical Experiences of The Fifth Grade Students

By : Drs. Marsigit MA

Reviewed by: Syahlan Romadon (09301241041)

Penggunaan alat peraga Linear Arithmetic Blocks (LAB) atau model linear ternyata lebih meningkatkan minat dan aktivitas siswa jika dibandingkan dengan alat peraga Multi-base Arithmetic Blocks (MAB) atau model ruang dalam melakukan percobaan-percobaan operasi hitung pada bilangan desimal.
Mackenzie J.S, menyatakan bahwa sebuah filsafat harus mampu memperhitungkan hasil umum dari suatu investigasi dari semua ilmu untuk suatu usaha membangun teori umum. Untuk tercapai tujuan yang maksimal, digunakan beberapa pendekatan yang bersifat filosofis seperti, interpretasi, idealisasi, analogi, perbandingan, dan deskripsi. Pendekatan-pendekatan tersebut menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara komponen-komponen bilangan desimal dengan benda fisik yang digunakan dalam proses belajar mengajar matematika.
Dengan demikian akan timbul motivasi dari dalam diri siswa dan juga para guru untuk mempelajari materi-materi atau benda-benda fisik yang berkaitan dengan matematika. Namun, para guru dan siswa juga harus memperhatikan dan mengantisipasi adanya kendala-kendala yang menghambat dalam mempelajari materi-materi fisik tersebut dan juga harus dapat menemukan solusi sehingga para siswa dan guru dapat berinteraksi dengan baik dengan materi-materi atau benda-benda fisik dalam matematika.
Kant menegaskan bahwa “ruang” dan “waktu” adalah bentuk dari perasaan kita, sesuatu yang mempengaruhi kita, sensibilitas adalah sebuah benda yang memiliki “ruang” atau “jasmani” merupakan karakteristik dari suatu objek yang fenomenal.
Hasil penelitian dari mengajar dengan menggunakan materi-materi fisik matematika memberikan beberapa kesimpulan antara lain, adanya perbedaan antara model LAB dan MAB, model LAB yang lebih unggul jika dibandingkan dengan model MAB, sesta sistem belajar mengajar dengan menggunakan materi-materi fisik yang dianggap memiliki kesulitan sendiri bagi para siswa.
Dengan adanya model LAB dan MAB, maka ada beberapa isu yang mungkin merupakan dampak adanya model LAB dan MAB. Dampak tersebut antara lain, siswa membingungkan adanya penyelenggaraan dengan nilai komponen, dan siswa membingungkan tentang posisi tempat dari kolom nilai. Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa “aksensibilitas” adalah sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan subjek bahwa apa yang disimpulkan oleh Kant adalah suatu “kepekaan”.
By: Dr. Marsigit M. A

Reviewed by: Syahlan Romadon (09301241041)

About situation and effort to reveal learning mathematic phenomenon can be illustrated with a hermenitik circle where a teacher or a researcher effort the learning mathematic aspect as a phenomenon either the fact that examined directly or like potentials that need use for its improvement. To do learning mathematic we need have realization that learning mathematic as a world that save a lot mystery. People or the teachers have a limit to know that, but a teacher need effort to get image about mathematic learning world with doing deconstruction specifically math education world.
We can get the source research of math education from doing math education revolution, where can be realized that source innovation of math education can be from conceptual factor, value, pragmatic, empiric or polities. With some from that source teacher or researcher can improve how to do learning on math education. Contemporary math education research basically the researcher understand that math substance, math school substance, and math education substance. More than that, the comprehension then be the base also be purpose that will achieved in research or “grounded-theory” is build the education theory with math education theory. If we as the teacher want renewal math education so math education research will be needs. With math education research we can know about individual difference or group on math learning, we can specify student position in a group, can compare the result from learning activity among group.
We also can do examination compatibility among purpose and value from learning. The value from researching can use to completion program, guidance, and giving information to public. We can also compare between performance and criteria from each program dimension and completion the program and conclude the result from whole math education. Then we can do study about program activity that finally use to completion a whole math education program. So when math education will be do, not bad if the teachers be given an input then it can make research education activity can stick with mathematic learning activity.
By: Dr. Marsigit, M.A.

Reviewed by: Syahlan Romadon (09301241041)

Teachers of mathematics as a researcher may deliberately make changes in learning mathematics in school by doing various experiments so comes the scientific method. Approach to mathematics education research can be done in various ways including quantitative research. Quantitative research relies on mathematical learning the scientific method to find rules, laws and principles regarding the reality of learning mathematics in school.

Effort uncovering the circumstances and the phenomenon of learning mathematics can be described by a circle hermenitik in which a teacher or a researcher trying to uncover aspects of learning mathematics as a phenomenon or phenomena in the form of facts that can be observed directly or in the form of the potential for development that requires treatment.

The scope of mathematics education research can come from a push by researchers to reform mathematics education. Where mathematics education to realize that innovation can be sourced to the conceptual factors, values, pragmatic, empirical and political. By placing the components of learning mathematics, in the context of mathematics education research, then Grouws, DA (1992) describes a wide variety of relationships between components at the level of simple or complex level.

Judging from the practice of mathematics teaching then at least there are two main factors namely the practice of learning itself and the factor value. If researchers want to improve the learning of mathematics in the field of content or learning materials, the researcher can make the observation of students when learning mathematics. If researchers want to improve or to obtain an innovative method of learning mathematics, the researcher needs to consider the context of learning mathematics, teachers use the methods and management of learning mathematics. Judging from the mathematics education research procedure can be carried out with various different emphases, such as historical research, descriptive research, research development, research, case studies and field research.

Based on the suppression of certain aspects of it by adapting Joyce and Weill (1986), can be developed several models of learning as a context of doing mathematics education research activities, for example: The concept attainment model, Model Exercise Research, Classroom Meeting Model, Model Investigation Group, Model Exercise Laboratory and others. In various models that were developed then the teacher will always be between the two poles between which the paradigm of approach learning mathematics, such as teacher-centered and student-centered. Has generally been understood that mathematics education in the future will be more student-centered learning where the student is the center, Student is more active, take initiative and responsible to the learning process. Students are also expected to be more autonomous. Thus the role of the teacher acts as facilitator and dynamist learning mathematics.


By Dr. Marsigit, M.A.

Reviewed by: Syahlan Romadon (09301241041)

Filsafat mengenai matematika sangatlah luas dan umum. Filsafat pendidikan matematika meliputi beberapa masalah pendidikan matematika yaitu ideologi, landasan dan tujuan dari matematika itu sendiri.
Dalam rangka memberi gambaran yang jelas tentang peran studi filsafat matematika dan hubungannya dengan lokakarya kegiatan dan akan dibahas tentang sifat pengembangan sumber daya manusia dan sifat studi pelajaran dalam pendidikan matematika.

Menurut Paul Ernest (1994), studi filsafat pendidikan matematika berakibat pada praktek mengajar matematika melalui isu-isu tercermin pada pertanyaan berikut:
"Apa teori dan epistemologi mendasari pengajaran matematika? Apakah asumsi ini berlaku? Berarti apa yang diadopsi untuk mencapai tujuan matematika pendidikan? Apakah tujuan dan sarana yang konsisten? Apa metode, sumber daya dan teknik yang telah dan mungkin digunakan dalam pengajaran matematika? Apa teori-teori mendukung penggunaan informasi yang berbeda dan teknologi komunikasi dalam mengajar matematika? Apa yang membuat nilai-nilai yang membawa teknologi ini dengan mereka, baik yang dimaksudkan dan tidak disengaja? Apa itu untuk mengetahui kepuasan matematika di tujuan pengajaran
matematika? Bagaimana belajar mengajar matematika harus dievaluasi dan
dinilai? Apa peran guru? Dan masih banyak lagi

peran studi filsafat matematika sangat lah luas. dapat dikatakan bahwa filosofi pendidikan matematika bertujuan untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan tentang status dan dasar dari objek pendidikan matematika, yaitu ontologis mengklarifikasi sifat dari masing-masing komponen pendidikan matematika, dan epistemologis mengklarifikasi apakah semua pernyataan yang bermakna pendidikan matematika memiliki tujuan dan menentukan kebenaran.
Pada intinya, tujuan mempelajari filsafat matematika adalah supaya pembelajaran matematika menjadi lebih bermakakna dan berguna di kehidupan sehari hari.


By: Dr. Marsigit, MA

Reviewed by: Syahlan Romadon (09301241041)

Lesson Study is a strive that develop teaching ability in teaching learning by research and reflect systematically that process. The aim of lesson study is to improve teacher services in student needs. The main idea of lesson study is collaborating between the teacher with other teacher and also with the lecturer to observe and reflect teaching learning process.
The step in lesson plan is preparation step, implementation, reflection and remediation 1st, and the second one. Paradigm that relevance with lesson study is student centered, constructivist, realistic mathematics, and contextual teaching learning. The innovation in lesson study can be done if the teacher is kind and open, the teacher have high commitment, there are development infra-system that support lesson study and the whole component have support it too.
It has to note that lesson study is support KTSP. Lesson study need a theme such as how to develop mathematics attitude, How to develop learning mathematics methods, how develop an assessment, etc. RPP is the backbone of Lesson Study, because lesson study service student need in learning math, reflect student activities, reflect various interaction, method ad media, and also reflect evaluation development, etc.
To socialize lesson study, it must have a lot of support of whole component in education. Lesson study is hope can improve student ability and also improve education quality.
By: Dr. Marsigit, MA

Reviewed by: Syahlan Romadon (09301241041)

Sesuai dengan cita-cita bangsa pada Pembukaan UUD 1945, Indonesia akan menjadi negara yang sejahtera dan makmur penduduknya. Pemerintah telah berusaha untuk selalu meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia. Adanya kebijakan penggunaan kurikulum KTSP, akan mempengaruhi banyak aspek, misalnya saja: otonomi pendidikan, fasilitas pembelajaran, anggaran pendidikan, dan juga sistem evaluasi.
Sistem pendidikan ataupun kurikulum yang berubah karena dianggap kurang berhasil diidentifikasi menemui karena menemui hambatan-hambatan seperti: kompleksitas dunia pendidikan, anggaran yang minim, kekurangan fasilitas dan tenaga pendidik ahli, perbedaan konteks pendidikan, kekurangpahaman guru mengenai teori pengajaran, bagaimana mengimplementasinya, dan juga adanya penyesuaian dengan keadaan global saat ini.
Obyek penelitian proses pembelajaran matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan alam yang didukung oleh JICA adalah memberi kontribusi pada perkembangan matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan alam di sekolah dengan mencoba beberapa perkembangan yang secara langsung berhubungan dengan sekolah. Kegiatan percobaan dilakukan melalui kegiatan penelitian antara guru dan dosen. Masing-masing group peneliti melakukan pertemuan apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mengembangkan matematika dan ilmu pengetahahuan di tiap kelasnya. Aspek yang akan dikembangkan bervariasi, bergantung pada kebutuhan siswa. Aspek tersebut dapat dihubungkan dengan perkembangan instrument pengajaran dan model pengajaran.
Perkembangan pendidikan Matematika di Jepang dapat dilihat sebagai alternative, bagaimana cara pengajaran dan proses pemebelajaran di Jepang. Pengajaran matematika di Jepang berkembang dari fenomena nyata di kehidupan sehari-hari. Masing-masing sekolah mempunyai aktivitas untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pengajar.
Hasil penelitian dapat dijabarkan dari berbagai sudut pandang, misalnya dari siswa, guru dan dosen. Model pembelajaran baru yang dikenalkan pada guru meningkatkakan variasi pengelolaan kelas. Guru yang ikut berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini harus berpikir dann mengembangkan cara baru bagaimana siswa dapat belajar dan mengkontruksi pengetahuan baru dari dirinya sendiri.
Ada beberapa hal dan masalah yang berhubungan dengan pengenalan paradigm baru melalui kegiatan penelitian ini. Tampak tidak realistik untuk berharap bahwa guru akan merubah gaya mengajarnya dalam waktu yang sigkat. Kurikulum dengan sifat padat tuntutan dan jumlah siswa yang besar di tiap kelasnya menyebabkan guru tetap kembali pada aktivitas lama (teacher centered activities). Ujian Akhir yang harus dilakukan oleh seluruh siswa di tahun ketiganya, menjadi titik krusial bagi guru yang membuat guru berfikir bagaimana merancang pembelajaran yang bisa meluluskan siswanya.
Hasil penelitian ini menghasilkan beberapa masukan untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan di Indonesia, antara lain: implementasi kurikulum yang lebih simple dan fleksible, menentukan kembali peran guru sebagai fasilitator, menentukan kembali peran sekolah, serta supervisor sebagai pendukung proses pembelajaran.
By : Drs. Marsigit, MA

Reviewed by : Syahlan Romadon (09301241041)

One of problem in mathematics curriculum developing is specific orientation of mathematics syllabus developing and it need to observe six of base principals, they are:
1. Chance to study to all of child.
2. Curriculum is not only collection of learn material, but also can reflect mathematics activities coherenly.
3. Mathematics learning need understanding of study necessary by student, study preparing, and learning facility.
4. Chance to student to learn mathematics actively.
5. Need assesment activities to increase learning quality.
6. Using kind of strategy and learning method as dinamis and flexsible.
Mathematics education competence based emphasize to competence that should be had by graduate, so curriculum is developed also be based to the base competence which it have to be had by graduate appropriate explanation of ceompetence standart. Syllabus of mathematics lesson also need to be arranged so it contain learning matter which it refer to mathematics charracteristic appropriate with competence with wantt to be achieved.
In order that student potention can be developed optimally, assumption about student charracteristic and implication of mathematics learning is gave lke that:
1. Student will learn mathematics if they have motivation.
2. Student learn mathematics with their own method.
3. Student stand alone or cooperate with other student to learn mathematics.
4. Student need different contex and situation to learn mathematics.

Curriculum is arranged in order that in mathematics learning process, student can do investigation about pattern and realation, develop creativity, to do problem solving activities, and communicate mathematics thinking to other people.
In make syllabus, syllabus format should be made so the teacher can applicate it a simple manner. The format is a form of presentation of the contents of the syllabus consisting of competency standards, basic skills, learning materials, a description of learning materials, student learning experience allocation of time, and reference sources used;
Stape to arrange syllabus based of mathematics lesson basic competence beginning of philosophical investigation of mathematics education developing include curriculum in order to obtain the structure of science. After that, be stripped of the minimum basic competence which should be has by student.
In the syllabus, teachers must include source material which is used as reference by using the rules of writing in accordance with applicable regulations. References used should be consistent with the implementation of competency-based curriculum and learning with contextual approach to teaching and learning (CTL).
By: Shisumi Shimizu, Marsigit

Review by: Syahlan Romadon(09301241041)

Artikel ini berisi penelitian kegiatan siswa dalam membangun karakteristik pola angka yang dihasilkan dari penambahan dan pengurangan setiap dua reversibel dua digit angka. Penelitian ini dilakukan di siswa kelas 6 SD Gambiranom, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan praktek mengajar matematika berdasarkan posisi ideal mengajar matematika primer dan atas dasar asumsi bahwa guru dapat belajar dan menciptakan pengetahuan melalui pengalaman dan mengamati serta merenungkan pengalaman itu. Penelitian ini meliputi: mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis masalah yang timbul dalam proses belajar mengajar matematika, merancang strategi untuk memecahkan masalah sebagai hasil komunikasi simetris antara peneliti dan guru, menerapkan dan menguji strategi, mengevaluasi efektivitas strategi, mencerminkan hasil, identifikasi kesimpulan, mengulangi siklus dengan meningkatkan praktek, dan melaporkan penemuan.
Pada siklus pertama penelitian, guru mengarahkan siswa untuk memiliki beberapa kompetensi mengkarakterisasi pola nomor dengan melakukan penambahan dari dua reversibel dua digit angka. Skema dari proses belajar mengajar pada siklus ini meliputi guru memperkenalkan pelajaran, informasi yang disampaikan, mengajukan masalah dan menjelaskan apa yang siswa harus dilakukan dalam kegiatan-kegiatan berikut. Guru memerintahkan siswa untuk menghasilkan penambahan dari dua reversibel dua digit angka dan membiarkan siswa untuk bekerja dalam kelompok diskusi. Guru mendorong siswa untuk mempresentasikan hasil diskusi mereka dan berusaha menyimpulkan hasil. Dalam siklus ini guru mengembangkan lembar kerja dan didistribusikan sebelum para siswa bekerja dalam kelompok diskusi.
Dalam siklus kedua, guru mengarahkan siswa untuk memiliki beberapa kompetensi mengkarakterisasi beberapa pola nomor dengan melakukan pengurangan dari dua reversibel dua digit angka. Skema dari proses belajar mengajar pada siklus 2 yakni guru memperkenalkan pelajaran, informasi yang disampaikan, mengajukan masalah dan menjelaskan apa yang siswa harus dilakukan dalam kegiatan-kegiatan berikut. Guru memerintahkan siswa untuk menghasilkan pengurangan dari segala bentuk dua angka reversible dan membiarkan siswa untuk bekerja dalam kelompok diskusi. Guru mendorong siswa untuk mempresentasikan hasil diskusi mereka dan berusaha untuk menyimpulkan hasil.
Hasil dari penelitian adalah dalam penelitian tindakan kelas, jika guru memiliki persiapan yang baik dan mengembangkan beberapa skema untuk mengajar, siswa mengkonstruksi pengetahuan mereka secara jelas. Anak-anak tidak hanya melakukan kegiatan di bawah bimbingan guru namun mereka pun harus mampu mengembangkan kegiatan mereka berdasarkan pengaruh arah dan fokus kegiatan sendiri. Dengan mengamati transisi dari satu aktivitas ke aktivitas lainnya, peneliti menemukan bahwa beberapa lembar kerja yang dikembangkan oleh guru memiliki pengaruh terhadap jalannya kegiatan dan memulai berbagai percakapan interaksi. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa kita dapat menafsirkan peran guru melalui perspektif siswa pada interaksi. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa melalui penelitian tindakan kelas, siswa tidak hanya sebagai pembelajar aktif tetapi juga sebagai konstruktor hidup pengetahuan mereka sendiri.
Oleh: Marsigit

Reviewed by: Syahlan Romadon (09301241041)

In order to following the movement of education paradigm, Indonesian government has been developing a new kind of curriculum for national education called base competence curriculum. To develop this new kind of curriculum it’s also need to develop some kind of things which is including on the part of curriculum for example is syllabus, at least there are six kinds of things that should be noticed to develop syllabus such as: a chance to all pupils to learn, curriculum not only as a collection of the learning content but also be able to reflect the teaching learning process coherently, the learning of mathematics need an understanding about the needed of student learning, the readiness of the student to learn and serving the learning facilities, give a chance for the student to learn mathematics actively to construct their concept structure through their knowledge and their experience, the needed of assessment to increase the learning quality, the using of various strategy and learning method as flexible and dynamic which is appropriate with the content, the pupil and the context of learning.
The main issues are how to make the plans, the developments and the implementations of curriculum appropriate with the wish of learning activity. To answer this issues so on the section of planning and developing process should be pay attention on: the directive to developing syllabus, the technique hint of curriculum application which was developed, the curriculum supporter such book, learning facilities and the ability of the teacher, the involvement of the teacher on the planning and developing of curriculum process, the needed of socialization about curriculum development to stake holder and also the needed of continue evaluation to the application of curriculum.
In order to produce the innovation demand of education generally, Ebbut and Straker (1995:10-63) define school mathematics as: mathematics as the connection and pattern investigation activity, mathematics as creativity which is need imagination, intuition and invention, mathematics as a problem solving activity, mathematics as communication tools.
By: Marsigit, Y.Sato, Sugeng Mardiyono, Eko Sulistyowati, Bardi

Review by: Syahlan Romadon(09301241041)

Siswa membutuhkan variasi kompetensi akademik yang dapat untuk bertanya dan mengkomunikasikan perkiraan yang terjadi di kelas. Dari hasil pengamatan mengindikasikan bahwa kapanpun siswa tidak memiliki kesempatan untuk menyampaikan pertanyaan, mereka akan melakukan kegiatan lain atau menanyakan ke teman kelasnya. Kapan pun guru menerapkan satu metode pembelajaran guru akan mengalami kesulitan untuk dapat mencakup berbagai kompetensi akademik siswa. Salah cara untuk menyelesaikan permasalah ini adalah dengan memberi kesempatan kepada guru untuk mengembangkan lembar kerja. Siswa dan guru akan sama-sama mendapat keuntungan dengan menggunakan lembar kerja, bagaimanapun juga pengaplikasian dari pengembangan lembar kerja oleh guru sebagai penyelesaian dari berbagai kebutuhan kompetensi akademik siswa yang memiliki sifat tidak langsung karena tidak ada skema pengembangan oleh guru. Kemudian guru membagi kelas menjadi beberapa grup untuk mendiskusikan lembar kerja yang diberikan, setelah didiskusikan kemudian siswa mempresentasikannya di depan ke kelas.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, ternyata masih banyak guru yang menggunakan metode ekspositori atau mengajar secara klasikal dimana guru hanya menjelaskan, memberi contoh kemudian memberikan tugas. Hal ini masih banyak terjadi karena guru masih mengalami kesulitan untuk menemukan berbagai variasi kompetensi akademik yang diperlukan serta menemukan cara melibatkan siswa secara aktif dalam pembelajaran. Untuk itu guru harus mengembangkan model pembelajaran matematika untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan ini agar dapat memfasilitasi siswa. Praktik mengajar matematika yang baik harus memberi kesempatan kepada guru untuk menjelaskan, diskusi antara guru dan siswa dan antara siswa dengan siswa, penyelesaian masalah termasuk pengaplikasikan matematika dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Namun dalam kenyataannya untuk merealisasikan pembelajaran yang baik, guru masih menemui beberapa kendala. Dan menurut hasil penelitian guru harus mampu mengembangkan kemampuan mengajar mereka dengan memfasilitasi berbagai kebutuhan kompetensi akademik siswa, menjadikan siswa aktif dalam pembelajaran, menggunakan berbagai metode mengajar sesuai kebutuhan kelas dan meningkatkan materi mengajar dan alat peraga yang digunakan.
By : Dr. Marsigit, M. A., Bambang SHM, M. Kom. And Kuswari Hernawati, M. Kom.

Reviewed by: Syahlan Romadon (09301241041)

The aim of this research is to construct multiuser Blog as employing software opensource in mathematics learning, to form instructor and student’s appreciation employing software and portofolio model, to improve competency of mathematics as the result of digital portofolio through multiuser Blog, and also as communication culture between instructor or lecturer and students.
In education, digital portofolio is documentation system that load all of activities and reflekction to indicate change or development individual potential. And, for the competency of mathematics, there are five categories:
1. Mathematical communication
2. Mathematical reasoning
3. Mathematical problem solving
4. Mathematical connections
5. Positive attitudes toward mathematics
Blog can be employed as actualization media to improve the competency of mathematics between lecturer and students. There are many ways to post article about mathematics into blog, so the students can read in blog to do learning based on IT.
As the last, the conclusion is that developing blog as digital portofolio to actualize and to improve compentency of mathematics is important because learning process employing IT (Information and Technology) is necessary need development. Through blog employing in mathematics learning can be sequential to another learning process.


By: Syahlan Romadon (09301241041)
Mathematics Education, Yogyakarta State University

Difference pond, difference fish. In many country there are difference cultural the mathematics teaching. The Indonesian culture will be different with other countries. It is creating so many differences among countries. as did learning of mathematics. It’s important to know the various mathematics teaching learning process in the various countries. In this paper we will show the mathematical teaching in various context in various countries, so we can adopt the best one to applied in mathematical teaching-learning process.
In this paper will be share about the resume the paper that has presented in Apec-Ubon Ratchathani International Symposium 2011. And it specially appear mathematics teaching across multicultural context in four country, they are Vietnam, Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, and Philippina.

a. Vietnamese Context
Mathematics teaching in Vietnam, the use of dynamic external representations in communicating, learning and teaching mathematics has increased dramatically. The use of dynamic external representations promotes students’ understanding of school mathematical concepts.
They tries to lessen the training of basic skills and procedures in mathematics but increases more hands-on activities to help students grasp the mathematics ideas and develop mathematical thinking. To answer these questions some procedures, rules and techniques are required. The content of mathematics, thinking skills and marks allocated to each question are distributed as in the following table.
(Tran Vui)

b. Bruneian Context
In order to abide to the suggestions and guidelines from the Curriculum Development Department (CDD), teachers in Brunei are encouraged to refer to the following when planning a lesson (Khalid,2011), where pupils are expected to:
• communicate in order to learn and express their understanding
• connect mathematical ideas to other concepts in mathematics, to everyday experiences and to other disciplines
• demonstrate fluency with mental mathematics and estimation
• develop and apply new mathematical knowledge through problem solving
• develop mathematical reasoning and creativity.
• select and use technologies as tools for learning and solve problems
• develop visualization skills to assist in the processing of information, making connections and solving problems.
• develop positive attitudes and values towards mathematics.
In order to create something interesting and fun as the lesson starter, the teacher plays the musical chair game with the pupils. The purpose of the introduction is to define the word ‘compare’ and ‘size’. Before the game started, pupils were asked to guess who will win the game and why. The lesson can be considered a success if we consider pupils’ participation in class. The children were active, participative and looked interested in the lesson.
(Madihah Khalid)

c. Indonesian Context
Mathematics education in Indonesia have the indication that children's achievement in the subjects of mathematics and science is low, as indicated by the result of the National Leaving Examination year by year both in Primary and Secondary School. This fact may be as the results of:
1. The shortage of laboratory activities
2. Lack of teachers having mastered science process skill approach
3. Contents on Mathematics and Science curriculum too crowded
4. Too many time consuming administration stipulation for teachers
5. Lack of laboratory equipment and laboratory human resource.
The efforts of developing textbook for Vocational Senior High School mathematics should always put the concern of the criteria of good textbook. Specifically, for the needs to develop textbook for junior mathematics we need to have a clear picture on how to plan and implement activities in the classroom the following: problem solving activities, reasoning and proof, mathematical communication, mathematical connections, mathematical representation, the role of technology, content arrangement and skills development, content appropriate and relevant, wide range of student interests and abilities, and materials easy to follow and 14 understand.
The problem solving based mathematics textbook in the Vocational Senior High School can be developed based on the criteria outlined by Polya and Pasmep that are:
1. Trial and Error
2. Making diagram
3. Trying the simple problem
4. Making Table
5. Finding the pattern
6. Breaking down the goal
7. Considering the possibilities
8. Thinking Logically
9. Reversing the Order
10. Identifying the impossibility.
(Marsigit and R. Rosnawati)

d. Philippines Context
In Philippines context, the long term goal which the teachers formulated for their learning proccess was to develop student’s mathematical thinking through problem solving. Their sub-goals were for students to represent real-life and mathematical situations, to give meaning to these representations, and to solve problems in different ways.
For example to provide a context for developing the concept of polynomial function, it would be good for textbooks to use problems that would require students to think. The textbook must provided a good example of the application of polynomial function in real life to which students could relate. The problem would require the students to think and devise their own method to solve it. After some preliminary meetings, the teachers were finally able to conceptualize a problem that had a real-life context.
Through lesson study, the problem was developed collaboratively, tried in actual classrooms, and improved based on actual implementation results. It could be argued that the students used more thinking skills when they solved the problem than when they would have been simply asked to follow a set of procedures to learn polynomial function.
(Soledad A. Ulep)

Every country in the world have difference culture. And every culture have difference problem and also difference solve this problem. Problems concerning the learning process that occurs in every country are not the same, so as to resolve the issue who are members of APEC strive together to find solutions to develop the learning process in a way that each would strive to improve teaching and learning process with the process student-centered lessons. Viewed different ways of teaching mathematics based multicultural context can open our knowledge so that we can adopt the way of good teaching, which is adapted to our culture.
By : Drs. Marsigit MA
Reviewed by: Syahlan Romadon (093012410410

National educational reform must be able to renew the vision and develop theeducational paradigma and increasing the quality and professionalism and empowerment of communities towards the new Indonesia Indonesia is an open,democratic and united.
For an educational practitioners (teachers), educational reform is beyond thereach of his thinking and his ability. However, considering the education of teachers is a critical success, then teachers can play a role object and subject ofeducational reform by improving the ability to educate and manage theclassroom. But the fact is not easy because it educates students find that learningis not easy. There are still a considerable gap between educational ideals andpractices in the field.

In the field of education, teachers need to continually evaluate deficiency or excess of teaching in order to obtain information for improving teaching; if youneed to learn new techniques are more attractive and effective. For that teachersneed to receive encouragement and assistance of relevant parties, especially the principal and school inspector, so that they can realize the good teaching.

A teacher can reflect the style of teaching is good and if the teacher flexible waysof organizing master classes, making use of teaching resources, the achievement of teaching according to student ability, the development of evaluation systems,the handling of individual differences and the realization of a particular teaching style according to needs.
By : Dr. Marsigit, M.A
Reviewed By : Syahlan Romadon(09301241041)

Students will learn math if they have the motivation, with implications for research and learning that teachers need to: provide a fun activity, attention desires of students, build understanding through what is known by students, creating classroom atmosphere that supports learning, provide activities that are consistent with the objectives learning, providing challenging activities, provide activities that give expectations of success, valuing each student achievement. Pupils learn mathematics with own way, which implies that: students learn in unique ways and likely different from the others, each student requires a special experience connected with his experiences in the past, each student has a socio-economic background-different cultures. with implications for research and learning, therefore, implications for learning mathematics is that teachers need to: know the advantages and shortage of their students, plan activities appropriate to the level of student ability, build knowledge and skills that he acquired a good student at school and at home, and use records of student progress (assessment)
Pupils learn math either independently or through cooperation with his friend, which implies that teachers need to: provide learning opportunities within the group to train co-operation, provide learning opportunities in the classical style to give opportunity to exchange ideas, provide the opportunity for students to perform activities independently, involving students in decisions about activities that going to do, and teaches how to learn mathematics. Pupils need contexts and different situations in studying mathematics, which implies that teachers need to: provide and use various props, giving the opportunity to learn mathematics in different places and circumstances, provide an opportunity to use mathematical for various purposes, develop the attitude of using mathematics as a tool for solve problems both at school and at home, appreciate the contribution of tradition, culture and art in the development of mathematics, and help students assess their own activities math.
With Mathematic Learning Research we can knowing about an individual and group different in teaching learning of mathematic, we can conclude the students position in group, we can compare the value between the group. from the research, we can conclude, what the standart competence is is doing right?. The results of research can to be use for make the renewal program, lesson, giving information for the people. Beside that, we also can to compare between performance and kriteria for each programs dimension and improve the program and inference the results of mathematic education as a whole.
By: Marsigit
Reviewed by: Syahlan Romadon (09301241041)

Beberapa latar belakang filosofis dari sifat praktik mengajar yang baik perlu dibahas sebagai referansi dari upaya untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan matmatika. Pemikiran-pemikiran yang menutupi pernyataan untuk apakah pendidikn itu? :
a. Sebagai investasi atau sebagai kebutuhan bagi masyarakat,
b. Sebagai kewajiban atau sebagi kesadaran siswa,
c. Sebagai kompetisi atau sebagai kolaborasi,
d. Sebagai produk atau proses? Dll
Meskipun contoh praktek yang baik berbeda dalam beberapa konteks, ada beberapa fitur umum untuk cara anak-anak bekerja seperti di formalitas menggambarkan kelas, kejelasan dari tujuan, etos sekolah, fleksibilitas dan berbagai gaya mengajar. Kualitas pengajaran adalah fitur terkuat umum untuk semua contoh-contoh praktik yang baik, sedangkan kecukupan praktik yang baik dapat di uraikan berdasarkan konteks praktik yang ideal.
Brown di Riley (1992) menyatakan bahwa fitur praktek yang baik termasuk membina sikap positif terhadap matematika, penekanan pada penerapan matematika, perencanaan kerja yang baik, anak-anak menyusun hipotesis pengujian dan merefisi, kerja dan pola hubungan, berbagai pendekatan untuk perhitungan yang digunakan, penggunaan masuk akal dari kalkulator, pengalaman yang luas pengukuran dan estimasi, kebijakan yang jelas mengenai matematika, individu, kelompok dan bekerja seluruh kelas yang sesuai, kesempatan untuk koperasi bekerja, posotif dan baik waktunya untuk interfensi guru, memenuhi kebutuhan melalui defensi kerja, penggunaan pangalaman praktis dan pengalaman pertama, refleksi sesuai keragaman budaya, eksplorasi pekerjaan yang relevan, merangsang lingkungan kerja, pengajaran yang efektif.
TIMSS , dari rekaman video studi instruksi kelas dari pelajaran matematika di AS, Jerman, dan Jepang, menemukan bahwa praktik yang baik dari ajaran-ajaran matematika lebih memungkinkan untuk target pemikiran matematika dan berusaha untuk mengajarkan kepada siswa bagaimana memecahkan khususnya jenis masalah atau melakukan prosedur tertentu. Selanjutnya menyarankan bahwa konsep-konsep matematika jauh lebih mungkin untuk di kembangkan, bukan hanya di sajikan sebagia aturan. Ini termasuk beberapa cara untuk memecahkan masalah matematika dan meminta siswa untuk melakukan tugas-tugas yang tidak “rutin”.
Sementara dalam konteks Jepang, yang memiliki budayaLesson Study yang sudah sangat mendalam, praktek yang baik mengajar matematika (Masami Isoda) dapat di rasakan seperti yang terlihat direkam didalam kelas dan dapat menunjukkannya kepada orang lain. Selanjutnya mungkin di kenal sebagai pendekatan yang baik dalam suatu perekonomian dimana ada guru yang juga dikenal dengan pendekatannya. Oleh karena itu, mengajar matematika harus berguna bagi reformasi pendidikan matematika secara keseluruhan.
The Effort to Increase the Student’s Motivation in Mathematics Learning with Some Teaching Aids in Junior High School 5 Wates, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta
By: Drs. Marsigit, M.A.
Reviewed by: Syahlan Romadon (09301241041)

Usaha untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi siswa belajar matematika dengan beberapa alat bantu pengajaran di SMP 5 Wates, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Salah satu upaya guru dalam meningkatkan motivasi siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika di Sekolah Menengah Pertama adalah dengan membuat matematika sebagai pelajaran yang menyenangkan. Memaksimalkan penggunaan beberapa alat bantu pengajaran diharapkan dapat membantu proses abstraksi siswa, sehingga dapat mengurangi kesulitan siswa dalam belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengatasi masalah yang ditemukan di kelas SMP 5 Wates Sekolah, Kulon Progo Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah untuk memilih dan menggunakan alat bantu mengajar, yang digunakan sebagai model pembelajaran dalam pengajaran pembelajaran matematika melalui penelitian tindakan kelas. Para guru mengambil tindakan dalam penelitian sendiri di sekolah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memilih dan menggunakan alat bantu pengajaran beberapa digunakan sebagai model pembelajaran matematika untuk meningkatkan motivasi siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penelitian tindakan dengan menggunakan beberapa pengajaran bantu dengan papan seperti, tangan karet, kartu bermain, siswa lembar kerja simpul kertas, transparansi kertas, benang sipat, tiga bilah kayu yang dapat digunakan sebagai model dalam mengajar matematika proses belajar untuk meningkatkan motivasi siswa dalam belajar matematika. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa keaktifan siswa dalam melakukan peningkatan worksheet sesi jawaban-pertanyaan dan diskusi, ada begitu banyak siswa muncul dan juga terjadi ketika mereka berada di luar kelas. Sehubungan dengan hasil penelitian, peneliti menyarankan
guru matematika di SMP di proses belajar mengajar mereka harus menggunakan metode variasi untuk memotivasi siswa dan untuk menghindari siswa merasa bosan dan menggunakan
bantuan mengajar secara optimal untuk memfasilitasi siswa mereka untuk belajar konsep, ide, definisi atau prosedur matematika tertentu.


By: Syahlan Romadon (09301241041)
Student of Mathematics Education, Yogyakarta State University

Mathematics is one of lesson that learn in all of formal school, from primary school until senior high school. Moreover, people will get more about mathematics if they study in mathematics department in university. In the school, student learn mathematics to prepare the student in order to use the mathematics yhingking in the daily life.
Learning process in the school, especially mathematics learning not yet appropriate to the curriculum. In 1994 curriculum, the learning process with expository method. The teacher is center of the learning process. Teacher expose the topic in front of the class, and the student write what the teacher write in the board. After teacher expose the topics, then give the example problem or question based on the topic. Then teacher give some task to the students. If it think enough, the teacher continue to another topic with some method, that is expository method.
Now, in Indonesia apply the new curriculum that called school based curriculum. The purpose of this curriculum is every school have the curriculum that maybe different with another school. In addition, this curriculum also give another teaching method. In 1994 curriculum, it use teacher center, and now in school-based-curriculum, use student center, that can make student active in the learn process.
In this paper, will be explained about managing learning process that can be used in the school learning process, especially mathematics learning.

School based curriculum that applied in Indonesia prosecute the teacher to can teach in student center. The teacher as a facilitator or the learning process that can make the student more active in the class. Teacher should can make the student construct their understanding about the topic. Modern teacher must change the traditional method that use expository method. There are many teaching learning process that must be apply to get the purpose of the education. Moreover, student can use the mathematics theory in the daily life. The point that must be prepared to get the goal of learning are explain below.
1. Lesson plan
Lesson plan is the type of learning that must be prepared before the learning process. The lesson plane form in a unit of learning, that called syllabus. The process to make the lesson plan, first put standard competence and basic competence that have been given. Teacher make the indicator that satisfied to the basic competence. After this, teacher put the topic and list the material that will be doing in the learning activity. The teacher also make the assessment plan, summary, evaluation, and also time required to complete the lesson.
By using lesson plan, the teacher easier to do the learning process that satisfied to the goal of standard competence that had been given. Before the lesson, teacher should be explain the lesson plan or syllabus to the student.
2. Student’s worksheet
Student’s worksheet is sheets that must be done by the students. The contents of student worksheet not only an exercise, but also some problems that need investigation and make the student think the other way to solve the problem. The teacher should prepare student worksheet that can be used the student to construct their understanding about the topic. Usually, student’s worksheet do in the group, but sometimes it do individually.
There are several benefits of student’s worksheet are the students can work independently, the teacher develop a wide range of activities that can use to learn. Student worksheet will make the student more active to discuss with the other student. The teacher should make students worksheet that can improve the student’s abbility.
3. Small group discussion
Small group discussion is one of the method in the learning process. It can be used to know the student’s participation in learning process. In small group discussion, the teacher can identified the difficult of student’s work. Student will interact and discuss with another student about the topic that given by the teacher. In small group discussion teacher can ask students or group of student what the difficult one, then teacher give little helping that can stimulate student’s logic to solve the problem. The goal of the small group discussion are provide an opportunity for students to take the initiative and to deepen understanding of the material, and also can interact and discuss with others students.
4. Various interaction
In the learning process, surely there is interaction about the teacher and tne student. There are two kinds of various interaction, they are direct interaction and indirect interaction. First, direct interaction is the interaction that occur in the class. There are three various of direct interaction: whole class, small group discussion, and individual. Whole class is the interaction the teacher with all of the student in the class. In this case, teacher explain the general of the topic. Small group discussion is the interaction about the teacher with some students in the group. In here, the teacher visit in the small group and help the student if they are get any difficult material. Individual is the interaction about the teacher to a student. Teacher can identified the difficult student’s work. Second, indirect interaction that teacher not monitor the student activity. In indirect interaction, teacher give same homework to the student that can make students more understand about the topic.
5. Various teaching method
Accord to traditional teaching method, the teacher just explain the topic without involve student’s participation. This method is not effective because communication just from teacher to students, and students don’t have a chance to give opinion. But now, school based curriculum prosecute the teacher to do the learning process in many method. It can make the student more enjoy the learning. The student will be boring if there isn’t any variation of learning method. There are many kinds of teaching method, they are exposition method, discussion method, invention method, problem solving, practical work, contextual, problem posing, realistic problem, open ended, etc.
There aren’t the method that perfect to do in the learning process. The teacher should combine the teaching method. For example, the first of beginning the lesson, teacher use expository method that teacher explain some material about the topic. After the student knew the general of the topic, teacher make small group and give some student’s worksheet. Then, teacher give any time to some of student to present their conclusion in the discussion.
6. Student’s reflection/presentation
After student know the material or discuss about some topic, the teacher should give any time to the student to present their idea about the topic. Each student can compare each solution and get the new logical and many ways to solve the problem. The students needs an aims to improve their selfconfidence. Talking in front of class is one of way to realize that. Student’s reflection is very important to know how far the students understanding about the material.
7. Cognitive scheme
Cognitive scheme is what is teaching content to make student’s cognitive capability. It is the general and basic of the topic. It contain the lesson framework or concept that can helps the student to organize and interpret the material of the lesson. With framework, the teacher can plan the lesson easily and there is the harmonious the lesson. Schemas can contribute to stereotypes and make it difficult to retain new information that does not conform to our established schemas. Schema are constructed through experiences with specific instances. They start as a simple network and develop into more complex structures. Mature schemas are more extensive, more organized, and contain more characteristics that do less mature schemas. Cognitive scripts can be acquired either directly or indirectly.
8. Student’s conclusion
The nature of learning is student’s conclusion. After students construct their idea about the topic, the student must be conclude about the topic individually. In the learning, the student review the material that be explained by the teacher before. The teacher can order some student to explain their conclusion about the material of the lesson. So, the teacher is not give the conclusion to the students. If any material that student not understand, the teacher complete the review until the student know all of the material that they learn.
9. Apperception
Apperception is the readiness of student to learn the topic. Teacher just help the students to construct their understanding about the topic. To know about readiness the student, the teacher explain any topic that can make any question from student. Teacher can give any question to the student. But, teacher also must be prepared any idea that can make the student active to construct the idea. The teacher also show a few works from many students in front of the class, so the other students can see there are a lot of ways and point of view to solve the problem.
10. Assessment
Assessment is mean the record. In the learning process, the teacher should record the student activity and identifying the student that not understand about the topic. Assessment not only by evaluation, but also by record student’s achievement continually. To record the student, there are three component of assessment, they are cognitive, affective, and psychometrics. Assessment is used to determine what a student knows or can do, while evaluation is used to determine the value of the lesson. Evaluations often utilize assessment data along with other resources to make decisions about revising, adopting, or rejecting a the lesson.
11. Various media
Teaching media is the media that the teacher use to facilitate the student. Example of various media are: power point, projector, laptop, books, speaker, video for learning, etc. Media of learning will make easier the learning, both for teacher and for student. Teacher is easy to explain the material by using some media. In otherwise, advancement of technology prosecute the people to do and get the globalization. Media can be made by teachers themselves and there is produced at the factory. There are already available in the environment for immediate use and some are deliberately designed.
12. Various teaching aids
Teaching aids is tools used by teachers as facilitators learning to help students improve their skills and knowledge, to illustrate the material, and to make student’s understanding easily. Teacher must be creative to make same teaching aids that can facilitate the student to learn about the topic. In other wise, various teaching aids will make different learning atmosphere that can make student more enjoy the lesson.

Traditional learning method must be changed by constructive learning method. Old paradigm about learning process must be leave and do another model of learning process. School based curriculum prosecute the teacher to teach better more then traditional method. The teacher must be creative to make the learn to be student center that students can construct their idea about the topic. Teacher must manage learning process and prepare the learning before the lesson. There are many point that must be doing by the teacher to implement school based curriculum. If the teacher can implement school based curriculum effectively, it can produce the student that can implement mathematics in the daily life.
Oleh : Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
Review by:
Syahlan Romadon

In the implementation of learning mathematics, it would seem obvious difference between the learning of mathematics that have not been innovative (traditional) and learning mathematics that is innovative. The unwavering absolutist stance of looking at it objectively neutrality of mathematics, although mathematics is promoted itself implicitly contains the values. The absolutist believes that everything is in accordance with the values above are acceptable and which are not suitable unacceptable. Mathematical statements and the evidence, which is the result of formal mathematics, mathematical deemed legitimate. If they are willing to accept criticism that there is, in fact their views about mathematics is neutral and value-free is also an inherent value in themselves and difficult to see. The absolutist believes that an invention has not been a mathematics and modern mathematics is the inevitable result. This needs rectification. For the 'social constructivist' modern mathematics is not an inevitable outcome, but rather an evolution of human culture. Because the mathematics associated with all the knowledge of the human self, it is clear that mathematics is not neutral and value free. Thus mathematics requires a social foundation for the development

Philosophical Value of Mathematics
Mathematical meanings stretching from what is understood by Socrates, Plato, Immanuel
Kant to contemporary philosophy. Pragmatically, mathematics can be viewed as the science of the real world where many mathematical concepts arise from human efforts to solve real world problems such as measurement of the geometry, the motion of objects in the calculus, the estimates on probability theory etc.

Ontological Approach To Understanding Mathematics
In connection with the mathematical starting point is the ontological approach seeks to understand according to the deepest roots and foundation of mathematical reality.Mathematical fact implicitly been loaded along with the actors mengadanya mathematics. Based on the experience of the reality of mathematics, it can be aware of the nature of existence of mathematical reality, but reality mengadanya mathematics will provide concrete experiences for themselves about the nature of mathematical reality.

Epistemological Approach To Understanding Mathematics
The beginning of mathematical knowledge is "awareness of the meaning of mathematics". Consciousness thus considered a container of mathematical reality. A naive realism would feel safe with the common view that mathematics is beyond her best when mathematics is shown to him through sensory perception, or when it is not shown though. But when we have to define and answer fundamental properties of what can be disclosed from the fact that math is there, then the naive realism would be a step backward because the answer will involve the properties inherent in existence itself that is here

Axiological Approach To Understanding Mathematics
Axiological approach to study the philosophical essence of the value or the value of mathematics. Value is a phenomenon or concept; value something is determined by the extent to which the phenomenon or concept that came to the meaning or significance.math scores can be used to develop mathematical considerations regarding capacity.


Oleh : Dr. Marsigit MA
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Review by:
Syahlan Romadon

Mathematics teachers generally have difficulty dealing with their students' mathematical ability differences. Broadly speaking, problems of learning mathematics can be distinguished by the due implementation of the different sources of between mathematics learning practices that are traditional and progressive. Six basic principles must be considered in the development of mathematics syllabus based on competencies, namely: (1) learning opportunities for all students without exception subjects, (2) curriculum is not merely a collection of teaching materials, but may reflect a coherent mathematical activities, (3) learning mathematics requires understanding of student learning needs, readiness to learn and learning facilities services, (4) opportunities for students to learn mathematics actively to build the structure of concepts through knowledge and experience, (5) the need for assessment activities to improve the quality of learning from time to time, and (6) utilization of a variety of strategies and methods dynamically and flexibly in accordance with the material, students and the learning context.

Teach math is not easy, because the facts show that students experiencing difficulties in learning mathematics. Necessary to distinguish between mathematics and school mathematics. In order to meet the demands of learning mathematics in general educational innovation, school mathematics is defined as:
1. Mathematics as search activity patterns and relationships
2. Mathematics as a creativity that requires imagination, intuition and invention
3. Mathematics as problem solving activities (problem solving)
4. Mathematics as a tool to communicate

So that potential students can be optimally developed, assumptions about the characteristics of students towards learning mathematics subjects are given as follows:
1. Pupils will learn math if they have the motivation
2. Pupils learn mathematics in its own way
3. Pupils learn math either independently or in collaboration with his friend
4. Pupils need the context and the different situations in the study of mathematics

Hierarchy of categories covering aspects of affective state to receive, respond to, the formation of values, organization and characterization. Aspects of attitude appears when there is commitment, preference value, receiving the value, satisfaction and willingness to respond to respond to the person. Aspects of interest arise when a preference value, receiving the value, satisfaction of responding, willingness to
responding, willingness to respond, the attention is concentrated, and the willingness to accept from a person's consciousness.

In addition to aspects of cognitive and affective aspects, aspects of motor skills also have a role that is not less important to know the students' skills in solving problems. In this activity students are asked to demonstrate abilities and skills do physical activities such as drawing a triangle, square painting, painting circles, etc.. To determine the skill level of students, evaluators can use the observation sheet.
By: Marsigit
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Review by:
Syahlan Romadon

Tingkat diskusi filosofis memiliki karakteristik mereka seperti kebutuhan untuk cross-check serta untuk membandingkan dengan beberapa titik pandangan independen, untuk membangun teori umum dari subjek terkait

Greimas 'Hermenitics Analisis Struktural
Dalam skema itu, mahasiswa itu dimasukkan ke dalam pusat kegiatan belajar mengajar matematika, guru memiliki peran sebagai "pengirim" serta "pendukung" sedemikian rupa sehingga siswa mereka mempelajari materi fisik sebagai obyekbelajar, yang "transaksi" antara guru dan siswa mereka terjadi jika ada motivasi siswa untuk mempelajari benda-benda yaitu benda fisik, yang "kendala" perlu dipertimbangkan dan harus diantisipasi serta solusi dapat ditemukan dalamsedemikian rupa sehingga siswa dapat berinteraksi dengan materi fisik mereka, yang "anti-subyek" muncul jika ada sangat kendala seperti bullying kecelakaan, un-diharapkan dll

Mitos sayang Ganda
Teori kasih sayang ganda adalah upaya klasik untuk menyelamatkan Kant "akun kesadaran persepsi dari apa yang diduga menjadi inkonsistensi mencolok. Proposisi di atas disampaikan untuk berdebat Kant "deskripsi s bahwa kasih sayang sebagai pengalaman dari" efek "dari suatu objek untuk aparatur indrawi kita, sementara, dilema yang dihadapi Kant" teori s tidak ada hubungannya dengan masalah yang cukup terpisah dari apakah apa berkaitan dengan sensibilitas adalah efek dari suatu objek daripada obyek itu sendiri, dan, masalah keprihatinan sifat dari objek yang segera hadir dengan kesadaran perseptual bukan hubungan biasa yang mungkin berdiri untuk beberapa objek lebih lanjut. Apa yang kita bisa belajar adalah bahwa harus ada hubungan lain antara "hal dalam dirinya" dan kasih sayang. Kant menyatakan bahwa "ruang" dan "waktu" adalah bentuk-bentuk perasaan kita, apa yang mempengaruhi kepekaan kita adalah sebuah benda yang memiliki "ruang" atau "temporal"
yaitu karakteristik obyek fenomenal.
Dalam tinjauan teoritis mereka dari penelitian menyatakan, Stacey, K, et al, (2001) menunjukkan bahwa kesetiaan epistemis material merupakan salah satu faktor pengaruh transparansi bahan instruksional. Dari dua sudut pandang kita dapat belajar bahwa meskipun ada persamaan dari klaim tentang hubungan antara subyek dan obyek pembelajaran, meskipun penulis tidak bisa mengidentifikasi apa yang mereka maksud dengan "ukuran kualitas pemetaan analogis antara fitur bahan dan pengetahuan domain target ", kecuali bahwa dari kategori yang terdiri dari sangat baik, baik, memuaskan dan tidak memuaskan

Selanjutnya, mereka juga menunjukkan bahwa "aksesibilitas" bahan adalah kumpulan atau faktor psikologis yang timbul dalam penggunaan bahan oleh mahasiswa tetapi yang tidak spesifik untuk siswa tertentu (ibid. hlm 2001), lebih lanjut dinyatakan bahwaaksesibilitas model bahan fisik tergantung pada karakteristik dari pengguna kemungkinan berinteraksi dengan fitur-fitur model ini; aksesibilitas, berdiri di atas analisis rinci tentang tugas-tugas tertentu dalam kelas tertentu yang Meira (1998) dalam Stacy (2001) telah ditelusuri dalam usahanya untuk " transparansi "
Perbedaan aksesibilitas sebenarnya menemukan bahwa siswa dalam kebingungan kelompok MAB berpengalaman dengan mengingat nama-nama komponen baru Dalam hal perbedaan antara kelompok, model lebih menguntungkan LAB dan model LAB muncul untuk mempromosikan keterlibatan yang lebih kaya di dalam kelas karena aksesibilitas yang lebih besar.
By Marsigit, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
Review by:
Syahlan Romadon

Standar Nasional Matematika Pengajaran di Indonesia adalah kompetensi minimum yang harus dilakukan oleh siswa, meliputi afektif, kognitif dan psikomotor kompetensi. Matematika harus dekat dengan anak dan relevan dengan setiap situasi kehidupan sehari-hari. Namun, kata 'realistis', merujuk bukan hanya untuk koneksi dengan dunia nyata-, tetapi juga mengacu pada masalah situasi yang nyata dalam pikiran siswa. Dua jenis yang dirumuskan mathematization eksplisit dalam konteks pendidikan oleh Treffers, 1987, di Zulkardi,, 2006 yang mathematization horisontal dan vertikal. Dalam horisontal mathematization, para siswa datang dengan alat-alat matematika yang dapat membantu untuk mengatur dan memecahkan masalah terletak dalam situasi kehidupan nyata. Kegiatan berikut adalah contoh horisontal mathematization: mengidentifikasi atau menjelaskan matematika spesifik dalam konteks umum, schematizing, merumuskan dan visualisasi masalah dalam cara yang berbeda, menemukan hubungan, menemukan keteraturan, mengenali aspek isomorfis dalam masalah yang berbeda, mentransfer nyata dunia masalah untuk masalah matematika, dan mentransfer masalah dunia nyata untuk yang dikenal matematika masalah (Zulkardi, 2006). Di sisi lain, mathematization vertikal adalah proses reorganisasi dalam sistem matematika itu sendiri.

Di atas adalah pendekatan Iceberg sebagai titik awal urutan belajar yang memberikan pengalaman nyata kepada siswa sehingga mereka melibatkan langsung dalam kegiatan matematika pribadi
Banyak siswa yang membawa banyak pemahaman informal fraksi untuk instruksi mereka dalam
matematika, namun, seringkali sulit bagi siswa untuk mengintegrasikan instruksi formal dengan mereka informal, pengetahuan.

Ada 6 (enam) kelompok guru mengembangkan Model Iceberg untuk mengajar fraksi dalam
SMP. Setiap kelompok terdiri dari lima guru. Berikut ini adalah karya mereka: Pengurangan Nomor Fraksi, Persentase dan permil, Bandingkan Fraksi, Fraksi Desimal, Nomor Mix, Divisi Fraksi

Orientasi Dunia Matematika
Pada awal pertama, tidak begitu mudah bagi guru untuk mengembangkan dan memanipulasi beton
materi sebagai orientasi dunia matematika. Tampaknya ada beberapa kesenjangan antara
guru 'kebiasaan dalam melakukan matematika formal dan informal, matematika
Bahan Model
Untuk model materi, guru berusaha untuk mengidentifikasi peran representasi visual dalam
mendirikan hubungan antara konsep fraksi, hubungan dan operasi
Membangun Hubungan Matematika
Dalam membangun hubungan matematis, para guru merasa bahwa para siswa perlu
mengembangkan sikap matematika mereka serta metode matematika
Notasi Formal
Para guru merasa bahwa pengertian formal pecahan, hubungan dan operasi
datang sejalan dengan kecenderungan berbagi ide konsep fraksi melalui kelompok kecil
Banyak guru membawa banyak pemahaman informal fraksi untuk usaha mereka dalam
mengembangkan model gunung es untuk mengajar pecahan.
By: Dr. Marsigit
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Review by:
Syahlan Romadon

Realistic Mathematics emphasizes the construction of the context of concrete objects as a starting point for students to acquire mathematical concepts.
mathematics is a human activity (human activities) and must be linked to reality.

We can examine the Numbers Break in junior high school mathematics learning in 2 (two) sides of the Aircraft Numbers formal position in the context of curriculum andsyllabus, and a review of substantive number rupture itself

Competency Standards relating to learning fractions is to enable students to understandthe properties of numbers arithmetic operations and their use in solving problems. With the Basic Materials of Aircraft Numbers Integer and then expected to be reached using2 (two) of the Basic Competence: Perform arithmetic operations fractions, and using the properties of arithmetic operation in problem solving fractions. The third type is the typethat has realistic characteristics buttom-up approach in which students develop their own models and then the model is used as the basis for developing formalmathematics.

Examples relating to the Development of Realistic Problem Numbers Fractions:Fractions and shape, Simple Fractions, Changing Fractions with denominatornumerator Greater Than Being Mixed Fractions, Comparing Fractions, Orderingfragments, Fractions Decimal, Percent, Addition and Reduction of Fractions, ReducingFractions the same denominator, Addition and Reduction denominator DifferentFractions, Addition and Reduction of Mixed Fractions, Multiplication and Fractionsmultiplying Fractions by Fractions.

Teachers need to revitalize itself so that:
1. Mendudukan himself as a facilitator
2. Able to develop an interactive learning
3. Being able to provide the opportunity for students to be active.
4. Able to develop curriculum and syllabus and curriculum actively associate with the real world, both physically and socially.
5. Able to develop learning scenarios
By : Marsigit
Faculty of Mathematics and Science, the State University of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Review by:
Syahlan Romadon

Pengembangan kurikulum membutuhkan kajian komprehensif dan mendalam dari semua aspek yang terlibat, setidaknya ada enam prinsip sebagai panduan 1) kesempatan untuk belajar matematika untuk semua, 2) kurikulum yang tidak hanya koleksi materi tetapi harus mencerminkan kegiatan matematika koheren, 3) pembelajaran matematika membutuhkan teori yang menyeluruh tentang kegiatan siswa, kesiapan mereka untuk belajar dan peran guru memfasilitasi belajar mereka, 4) kesempatan kepada pelajar untuk mengembangkan matematika mereka konsep, 5) kebutuhan untuk mengembangkan penilaian tertanam untuk proses belajar mengajar, 6) menggunakan berbagai jenis sumber belajar mengajar.
Perhatian utama dalam mengembangkan kurikulum matematika adalah untuk memastikan bahwa kurikulum proses belajar mengajar mencerminkan yang telah dimaksudkan, karena itu, kita perlu mengembangkan: 1) Pedoman untuk mengembangkan silabus nya, 2) Pedoman pelaksanaan kurikulum, 3) mendukung dokumen seperti handout, lembar kerja siswa, 4) guru keterlibatan dalam kurikulum berkembang, 5) kurikulum sosialisasi dan diseminasi dikembangkan, dan 6) pemantauan rutin implementasi nya.
kurikulum berbasis sekolah untuk stres SMP pada kompetensi siswa, karena itu, pemerintah pusat telah mengembangkan standar nasional bagi mereka. Standar Kompetensi Nasional ini kemudian akan diuraikan menjadi Kompetensi Dasar-itu adalah kompetensi minimum yang harus dilakukan oleh siswa, meliputi afektif, kognitif dan psikomotor kompetensi
Kegiatan matematika tidak bisa hanya ditarik keluar dari topi, mereka harus dipilih dengan cermat sehingga anak-anak membentuk konsep, mengembangkan keterampilan, mempelajari fakta-fakta dan memperoleh strategi untuk menyelidiki dan memecahkan masalah
kekhawatiran mengajar dengan siswa, mengajar adalah tentang apa yang terjadi pada saat-apa yang anak pikirkan, katakan dan lakukan, dan apa yang guru pikirkan, katakan dan lakukan sebagai konsekuensi

Standar Nasional Kompetensi untuk Junior meliputi matematika Sekolah Tinggi: Bilangan, Pengukuran dan Geometri, Probabilitas dan Statistik, Aljabar
Program monitoring telah ditetapkan menyebar ke beberapa wilayah yang berbeda dari Provinsi yang berbeda, untuk menyelidiki dan mengidentifikasi sejauh mana kekuatan, kelemahan, dan kendala pelaksanaan kurikulum baru
Hasil dari program pemantauan menunjukkan bahwa: (1) sosialisasi kurikulum baru perlu ditingkatkan, (2) partisipasi guru, kepala sekolah dan pengawas perlu ditingkatkan, (3) sumber daya pendukung untuk kurikulum baru perlu dikembangkan secara ekstensif, (4) perlu mempromosikan penelitian berbasis kelas bagi guru sebagai bagian dari kegiatan pengajaran mereka, (5) perlu menyebarluaskan konsep dan teori-teori serta paradigma saat ini mengajar matematika belajar, (6) kendala pelaksanaan kurikulum baru yang meliputi keterbatasan fasilitas pendidikan dan media serta keterbatasan anggaran.
By : Marsigit
Faculty of Mathematics and Science, the State University of Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Review by:
Syahlan Romadon

Pengembangan kurikulum membutuhkan kajian komprehensif dan mendalam dari semua aspek yang terlibat, setidaknya ada enam prinsip sebagai panduan 1) kesempatan untuk belajar matematika untuk semua, 2) kurikulum yang tidak hanya koleksi materi tetapi harus mencerminkan kegiatan matematika koheren, 3) pembelajaran matematika membutuhkan teori yang menyeluruh tentang kegiatan siswa, kesiapan mereka untuk belajar dan peran guru memfasilitasi belajar mereka, 4) kesempatan kepada pelajar untuk mengembangkan matematika mereka konsep, 5) kebutuhan untuk mengembangkan penilaian tertanam untuk proses belajar mengajar, 6) menggunakan berbagai jenis sumber belajar mengajar.

Perhatian utama dalam mengembangkan kurikulum matematika adalah untuk memastikan bahwa kurikulum proses belajar mengajar mencerminkan yang telah dimaksudkan, karena itu, kita perlu mengembangkan: 1) Pedoman untuk mengembangkan silabus nya, 2) Pedoman pelaksanaan kurikulum, 3) mendukung dokumen seperti handout, lembar kerja siswa, 4) guru keterlibatan dalam kurikulum berkembang, 5) kurikulum sosialisasi dan diseminasi dikembangkan, dan 6) pemantauan rutin implementasi nya. Kurikulum berbasis sekolah untuk stres SMP pada kompetensi siswa, karena itu, pemerintah pusat telah mengembangkan standar nasional bagi mereka. Standar Kompetensi Nasional ini kemudian akan diuraikan menjadi Kompetensi Dasar-itu adalah kompetensi minimum yang harus dilakukan oleh siswa, meliputi afektif, kognitif dan psikomotor kompetensi
Kegiatan matematika tidak bisa hanya ditarik keluar dari topi, mereka harus dipilih dengan cermat sehingga anak-anak membentuk konsep, mengembangkan keterampilan, mempelajari fakta-fakta dan memperoleh strategi untuk menyelidiki dan memecahkan masalah kekhawatiran mengajar dengan siswa, mengajar adalah tentang apa yang terjadi pada saat-apa yang anak pikirkan, katakan dan lakukan, dan apa yang guru pikirkan, katakan dan lakukan sebagai konsekuensi

Standar Nasional Kompetensi untuk Junior meliputi matematika Sekolah Tinggi: Bilangan, Pengukuran dan Geometri, Probabilitas dan Statistik, Aljabar
Program monitoring telah ditetapkan menyebar ke beberapa wilayah yang berbeda dari Provinsi yang berbeda, untuk menyelidiki dan mengidentifikasi sejauh mana kekuatan, kelemahan, dan kendala pelaksanaan kurikulum baru. Hasil dari program pemantauan menunjukkan bahwa: (1) sosialisasi kurikulum baru perlu ditingkatkan, (2) partisipasi guru, kepala sekolah dan pengawas perlu ditingkatkan, (3) sumber daya pendukung untuk kurikulum baru perlu dikembangkan secara ekstensif, (4) perlu mempromosikan penelitian berbasis kelas bagi guru sebagai bagian dari kegiatan pengajaran mereka, (5) perlu menyebarluaskan konsep dan teori-teori serta paradigma saat ini mengajar matematika belajar, (6) kendala pelaksanaan kurikulum baru yang meliputi keterbatasan fasilitas pendidikan dan media serta keterbatasan anggaran.


By: Marsigit

Review by:
Syahlan Romadon

Basically, teaching mathematics is not easy. Not a few teachers of mathematics are less successful in learning, evidenced by the many students who think that mathematics is difficult and scary. The cause of the difficulty of learning mathematics is not a good way of learning mathematics. Many teaching techniques, but does not correspond with what is expected of teachers of mathematics.

In addition, supported also by the constraints that come from teachers, namely teachers' lack of understanding of the material submitted, the application of mathematics, the environmental conditions that do not support, as well as learning facilities that are less memedai. With a wide view of the shortage comes the students that math is hard, math is scary. Even normally a scourge for students.

According to the absolutist, the dominant with people who do not like math, consider that mathematics is an abstraction, a universal, formal, objective, rational, theoretical, neutral and value free. In contrast, the social constructivits, and that should be our assumption, that mathematics is concrete, informal, subjective, discovery, intuition, emotions, practice, covering the special things, and so forth. Therefore, we think the need to change patterns and views about mathematics.

The social constructivist view is:
1. Mathematics is seen as a science that is bound by culture.
2. Mathematics is the evolution of human culture
3. There is a close relationship between mathematics with social circumstances
4. All have a common ground of knowledge that is 'deal'
5. Mathematics is not neutral and value free
6. Thus mathematics requires a social foundation for the development

In essence, the essence of studying mathematics is to bring together subjective and objective mathematical knowledge through social interactions to obtain, test, represents the new knowledge they have gained

To make learning math interesting and bring innovative students, as educators, must have some principles. First, mathematics is the search activity patterns and relationships. Teachers as facilitators in the learning of students by members the opportunity for students to look for patterns, so students can understand the related materials.

Secondly, mathematics is the creativity that requires imagination, intuition and invention.Students bias determine the formula of a theorem by way of generalization. Third, mathematics is problem solving activities. Metematika learning does not only deal points, but was associated with mathematical problems related to everyday life. Fourth, mathematics is a tool to communicate. Students can recognize the properties of mathematics and provided the need for math activities.

The nature of Student Learning Mathematics:
1. Pupils will learn if given the motivation
2. Pupils learn how to Own
3. Students learn independently and through cooperation
4. Pupils need the context and circumstances that vary in their learning

Things that need to be prepared include the preparation of teachers of mathematics teaching, learning, and evaluation. Environment must be prepared to support, and readiness of teachers in mastering meteri. When learning, teachers must strive to make the students active and innovative. And ditahap evaluation, teachers assess their success by what students have mastered and followed up with future plans.
Oleh: Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika, FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Reviewed by:
Syahlan Romadon

Realistic Mathematics emphasizes the construction of the context of concrete objects as a starting point for students to acquire mathematical concepts. Type of having realistic characteristics buttom-up approach in which students develop their own models and then the model is used as the basis for developing formal mathematics.

By doing the observations and analysis on the video tape recorder about learning mathematics, which has recorded a teacher who has been carrying out a realistic approach to mathematics learning, then teachers can examine and seek other alternatives for obtaining the development of concepts or ideas about concrete objects and objects environment can be used as a context for learning mathematics in building mathematical connections through social interaction.

The use of video tape recorder of learning mathematics with realistic approach can be
gives the following benefits:

1. Teachers have the opportunity to test the concrete objects and obyekobyek environment can be used as a context for learning mathematics in building mathematical connections through social interaction.
2. Teachers have the opportunity to explore and reflect on learning math concepts realistic.
3. Teachers have the opportunity to exchange experiences with other teachers about the development of realistic mathematical learning.
4. Teachers have the opportunity to reflect on the preparation of teaching and learning process in junior high school mathematics in accordance with the principles PMRI
5. Teachers have the opportunity to reflect on the development of learning resources for teaching and learning process in junior high school mathematics in accordance with the principles PMRI
6. Teachers have the opportunity to reflect on the development of assessment activities for teaching and learning process in junior high school mathematics in accordance with the principles PMRI
By: Marsigit
Department of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Yogyakarta State University

Reviewed by:
Syahlan Romadon

Meningkatkan kualitas pengajaran adalah salah satu tugas yang paling penting dalam meningkatkan standar pendidikan di Indonesia. Program-program yang telah dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pengajaran adalah peningkatan kualitas guru, penyediaan fasilitas belajar dan peralatan, perbaikan kurikulum pendidikan dasar, dan engembangan dan pemanfaatan teknologi komunikasi untuk pendidikan di mendukung proses belajar mengajar. Peningkatan kualitas pengajaran, dengan demikian, telah menjadi salah satu masalah mendasar dalam peningkatan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia. Kualitas proses belajar mengajar terkait erat dengan apa yang para siswa lakukan di ruang kelas.

Lesson Study dikembangkan di mana guru, kolaborasi dengan dosen dan ahli Jepang, mencoba beberapa model mengajar di sekolah. Hasil dari Lesson Study telah secara signifikan menunjukkan bahwa ada perbaikan dari praktek matematika primer dan sekunder dan mengajar ilmu belajar proses dalam jangka metodologi pengajaran, kompetensi guru, siswa prestasi, evaluasi alternatif, sumber pengajaran pembelajaran dan silabus. Hasil Lesson Study juga menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan tersebut perlu berkelanjutan dan melibatkan lebih banyak guru dan sekolah.

Lesson Study telah terbukti sangat efektif dalam mengangkat antusiasme siswa dalam belajar ilmu pengetahuan, membantu siswa untuk mengembangkan eksperimental mereka dan diskusi keterampilan, dan dalam memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa dalam mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan konsep mereka sendiri.

Sebagai hasil dari Lesson Study, kegiatan mengajar materi ada banyak dikembangkan baik oleh dosen atau guru. Bahan-bahan yang baik dikembangkan oleh dosen atau guru di kelas mereka sendiri atau oleh dosen dan guru sama sekali selama kegiatan Lesson Study. Secara umum, dosen dan / atau guru mengembangkan materi mengajar setelah berpikir luas apa dan bagaimana untuk mengembangkan bahan-bahan untuk mengajar topik tertentu, dan kemudian mengembangkan bahan.

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