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By: Marsigit

Review by:
Syahlan Romadon

Basically, teaching mathematics is not easy. Not a few teachers of mathematics are less successful in learning, evidenced by the many students who think that mathematics is difficult and scary. The cause of the difficulty of learning mathematics is not a good way of learning mathematics. Many teaching techniques, but does not correspond with what is expected of teachers of mathematics.

In addition, supported also by the constraints that come from teachers, namely teachers' lack of understanding of the material submitted, the application of mathematics, the environmental conditions that do not support, as well as learning facilities that are less memedai. With a wide view of the shortage comes the students that math is hard, math is scary. Even normally a scourge for students.

According to the absolutist, the dominant with people who do not like math, consider that mathematics is an abstraction, a universal, formal, objective, rational, theoretical, neutral and value free. In contrast, the social constructivits, and that should be our assumption, that mathematics is concrete, informal, subjective, discovery, intuition, emotions, practice, covering the special things, and so forth. Therefore, we think the need to change patterns and views about mathematics.

The social constructivist view is:
1. Mathematics is seen as a science that is bound by culture.
2. Mathematics is the evolution of human culture
3. There is a close relationship between mathematics with social circumstances
4. All have a common ground of knowledge that is 'deal'
5. Mathematics is not neutral and value free
6. Thus mathematics requires a social foundation for the development

In essence, the essence of studying mathematics is to bring together subjective and objective mathematical knowledge through social interactions to obtain, test, represents the new knowledge they have gained

To make learning math interesting and bring innovative students, as educators, must have some principles. First, mathematics is the search activity patterns and relationships. Teachers as facilitators in the learning of students by members the opportunity for students to look for patterns, so students can understand the related materials.

Secondly, mathematics is the creativity that requires imagination, intuition and invention.Students bias determine the formula of a theorem by way of generalization. Third, mathematics is problem solving activities. Metematika learning does not only deal points, but was associated with mathematical problems related to everyday life. Fourth, mathematics is a tool to communicate. Students can recognize the properties of mathematics and provided the need for math activities.

The nature of Student Learning Mathematics:
1. Pupils will learn if given the motivation
2. Pupils learn how to Own
3. Students learn independently and through cooperation
4. Pupils need the context and circumstances that vary in their learning

Things that need to be prepared include the preparation of teachers of mathematics teaching, learning, and evaluation. Environment must be prepared to support, and readiness of teachers in mastering meteri. When learning, teachers must strive to make the students active and innovative. And ditahap evaluation, teachers assess their success by what students have mastered and followed up with future plans.

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