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Oleh : Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
Review by:
Syahlan Romadon

In the implementation of learning mathematics, it would seem obvious difference between the learning of mathematics that have not been innovative (traditional) and learning mathematics that is innovative. The unwavering absolutist stance of looking at it objectively neutrality of mathematics, although mathematics is promoted itself implicitly contains the values. The absolutist believes that everything is in accordance with the values above are acceptable and which are not suitable unacceptable. Mathematical statements and the evidence, which is the result of formal mathematics, mathematical deemed legitimate. If they are willing to accept criticism that there is, in fact their views about mathematics is neutral and value-free is also an inherent value in themselves and difficult to see. The absolutist believes that an invention has not been a mathematics and modern mathematics is the inevitable result. This needs rectification. For the 'social constructivist' modern mathematics is not an inevitable outcome, but rather an evolution of human culture. Because the mathematics associated with all the knowledge of the human self, it is clear that mathematics is not neutral and value free. Thus mathematics requires a social foundation for the development

Philosophical Value of Mathematics
Mathematical meanings stretching from what is understood by Socrates, Plato, Immanuel
Kant to contemporary philosophy. Pragmatically, mathematics can be viewed as the science of the real world where many mathematical concepts arise from human efforts to solve real world problems such as measurement of the geometry, the motion of objects in the calculus, the estimates on probability theory etc.

Ontological Approach To Understanding Mathematics
In connection with the mathematical starting point is the ontological approach seeks to understand according to the deepest roots and foundation of mathematical reality.Mathematical fact implicitly been loaded along with the actors mengadanya mathematics. Based on the experience of the reality of mathematics, it can be aware of the nature of existence of mathematical reality, but reality mengadanya mathematics will provide concrete experiences for themselves about the nature of mathematical reality.

Epistemological Approach To Understanding Mathematics
The beginning of mathematical knowledge is "awareness of the meaning of mathematics". Consciousness thus considered a container of mathematical reality. A naive realism would feel safe with the common view that mathematics is beyond her best when mathematics is shown to him through sensory perception, or when it is not shown though. But when we have to define and answer fundamental properties of what can be disclosed from the fact that math is there, then the naive realism would be a step backward because the answer will involve the properties inherent in existence itself that is here

Axiological Approach To Understanding Mathematics
Axiological approach to study the philosophical essence of the value or the value of mathematics. Value is a phenomenon or concept; value something is determined by the extent to which the phenomenon or concept that came to the meaning or significance.math scores can be used to develop mathematical considerations regarding capacity.

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