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By : Dr. Marsigit, M. A., Bambang SHM, M. Kom. And Kuswari Hernawati, M. Kom.

Reviewed by: Syahlan Romadon (09301241041)

The aim of this research is to construct multiuser Blog as employing software opensource in mathematics learning, to form instructor and student’s appreciation employing software and portofolio model, to improve competency of mathematics as the result of digital portofolio through multiuser Blog, and also as communication culture between instructor or lecturer and students.
In education, digital portofolio is documentation system that load all of activities and reflekction to indicate change or development individual potential. And, for the competency of mathematics, there are five categories:
1. Mathematical communication
2. Mathematical reasoning
3. Mathematical problem solving
4. Mathematical connections
5. Positive attitudes toward mathematics
Blog can be employed as actualization media to improve the competency of mathematics between lecturer and students. There are many ways to post article about mathematics into blog, so the students can read in blog to do learning based on IT.
As the last, the conclusion is that developing blog as digital portofolio to actualize and to improve compentency of mathematics is important because learning process employing IT (Information and Technology) is necessary need development. Through blog employing in mathematics learning can be sequential to another learning process.

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