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By: Dr. Marsigit
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Review by:
Syahlan Romadon

Realistic Mathematics emphasizes the construction of the context of concrete objects as a starting point for students to acquire mathematical concepts.
mathematics is a human activity (human activities) and must be linked to reality.

We can examine the Numbers Break in junior high school mathematics learning in 2 (two) sides of the Aircraft Numbers formal position in the context of curriculum andsyllabus, and a review of substantive number rupture itself

Competency Standards relating to learning fractions is to enable students to understandthe properties of numbers arithmetic operations and their use in solving problems. With the Basic Materials of Aircraft Numbers Integer and then expected to be reached using2 (two) of the Basic Competence: Perform arithmetic operations fractions, and using the properties of arithmetic operation in problem solving fractions. The third type is the typethat has realistic characteristics buttom-up approach in which students develop their own models and then the model is used as the basis for developing formalmathematics.

Examples relating to the Development of Realistic Problem Numbers Fractions:Fractions and shape, Simple Fractions, Changing Fractions with denominatornumerator Greater Than Being Mixed Fractions, Comparing Fractions, Orderingfragments, Fractions Decimal, Percent, Addition and Reduction of Fractions, ReducingFractions the same denominator, Addition and Reduction denominator DifferentFractions, Addition and Reduction of Mixed Fractions, Multiplication and Fractionsmultiplying Fractions by Fractions.

Teachers need to revitalize itself so that:
1. Mendudukan himself as a facilitator
2. Able to develop an interactive learning
3. Being able to provide the opportunity for students to be active.
4. Able to develop curriculum and syllabus and curriculum actively associate with the real world, both physically and socially.
5. Able to develop learning scenarios

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