By : Drs. Marsigit MA
Reviewed by: Syahlan Romadon (093012410410
National educational reform must be able to renew the vision and develop theeducational paradigma and increasing the quality and professionalism and empowerment of communities towards the new Indonesia Indonesia is an open,democratic and united.
For an educational practitioners (teachers), educational reform is beyond thereach of his thinking and his ability. However, considering the education of teachers is a critical success, then teachers can play a role object and subject ofeducational reform by improving the ability to educate and manage theclassroom. But the fact is not easy because it educates students find that learningis not easy. There are still a considerable gap between educational ideals andpractices in the field.
In the field of education, teachers need to continually evaluate deficiency or excess of teaching in order to obtain information for improving teaching; if youneed to learn new techniques are more attractive and effective. For that teachersneed to receive encouragement and assistance of relevant parties, especially the principal and school inspector, so that they can realize the good teaching.
A teacher can reflect the style of teaching is good and if the teacher flexible waysof organizing master classes, making use of teaching resources, the achievement of teaching according to student ability, the development of evaluation systems,the handling of individual differences and the realization of a particular teaching style according to needs.
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