By: Syahlan Romadon (09301241041)
When we talk about international school, in our mind that everything comes to using English, modern equipment, classroom set up in such a way that it looks cool. But, what should be? What does the school headmaster to promote international school?
The school headmaster should be able to manage the school, so school is recognized as an international school. Some important points must be made the headmaster is as follows. The school headmaster to act decisively in make regulations, including in the admission of new students. Input incoming students really do have to be selected and obtained the students who excel and can support the recognition as an international school.
Besides improving student input, not least the headmaster should be able to increase the competence of teachers. International schools, teachers must have the international level as well. International teachers are not teachers who are constantly using the language English and also use a sophisticated learning equipment such as LCD, but international teachers is teacher that could be a facilitator for students in their studies. Teachers can guide students to develop their talents and abilities. The method used is constructivisme learning methods, students themselves began to build his knowledge. Use of the LCD does not always support the international school, because it makes the learning is teaching center, while promoting an international school student center.
In addition, headmasters should also develop school infrastructure. School facilities that support, can make students more comfortable and able to develop their potential.
Equally important, international schools will never escape from the fund. The school headmaster should be able to establish a good relationship with the elements in schools, communities, parents, local and central government or even internationally. The hope, international school can be supported by local governments, both physical and spiritual support.
Headmaster international level should also be able to communicate all sorts of policies, development and school management, the ultimate. Headmaster international standard is the Headmaster Accountable. Headmaster is accountable must be able to account for the development and implementation of school programs scientifically to the state, society, both nationally and internationally. Headmaster international standard is a sustainable Headmaster. Headmaster Headmaster is sustainable is the change that is able to cultivate and promote innovation on all the elements of an international school.
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