By: Syahlan Romadon (09301241041)
Student of Mathematics Education, Yogyakarta State University
Mathematics is one of lesson that learn in all of formal school, from primary school until senior high school. Moreover, people will get more about mathematics if they study in mathematics department in university. In the school, student learn mathematics to prepare the student in order to use the mathematics yhingking in the daily life.
Learning process in the school, especially mathematics learning not yet appropriate to the curriculum. In 1994 curriculum, the learning process with expository method. The teacher is center of the learning process. Teacher expose the topic in front of the class, and the student write what the teacher write in the board. After teacher expose the topics, then give the example problem or question based on the topic. Then teacher give some task to the students. If it think enough, the teacher continue to another topic with some method, that is expository method.
Now, in Indonesia apply the new curriculum that called school based curriculum. The purpose of this curriculum is every school have the curriculum that maybe different with another school. In addition, this curriculum also give another teaching method. In 1994 curriculum, it use teacher center, and now in school-based-curriculum, use student center, that can make student active in the learn process.
In this paper, will be explained about managing learning process that can be used in the school learning process, especially mathematics learning.
School based curriculum that applied in Indonesia prosecute the teacher to can teach in student center. The teacher as a facilitator or the learning process that can make the student more active in the class. Teacher should can make the student construct their understanding about the topic. Modern teacher must change the traditional method that use expository method. There are many teaching learning process that must be apply to get the purpose of the education. Moreover, student can use the mathematics theory in the daily life. The point that must be prepared to get the goal of learning are explain below.
1. Lesson plan
Lesson plan is the type of learning that must be prepared before the learning process. The lesson plane form in a unit of learning, that called syllabus. The process to make the lesson plan, first put standard competence and basic competence that have been given. Teacher make the indicator that satisfied to the basic competence. After this, teacher put the topic and list the material that will be doing in the learning activity. The teacher also make the assessment plan, summary, evaluation, and also time required to complete the lesson.
By using lesson plan, the teacher easier to do the learning process that satisfied to the goal of standard competence that had been given. Before the lesson, teacher should be explain the lesson plan or syllabus to the student.
2. Student’s worksheet
Student’s worksheet is sheets that must be done by the students. The contents of student worksheet not only an exercise, but also some problems that need investigation and make the student think the other way to solve the problem. The teacher should prepare student worksheet that can be used the student to construct their understanding about the topic. Usually, student’s worksheet do in the group, but sometimes it do individually.
There are several benefits of student’s worksheet are the students can work independently, the teacher develop a wide range of activities that can use to learn. Student worksheet will make the student more active to discuss with the other student. The teacher should make students worksheet that can improve the student’s abbility.
3. Small group discussion
Small group discussion is one of the method in the learning process. It can be used to know the student’s participation in learning process. In small group discussion, the teacher can identified the difficult of student’s work. Student will interact and discuss with another student about the topic that given by the teacher. In small group discussion teacher can ask students or group of student what the difficult one, then teacher give little helping that can stimulate student’s logic to solve the problem. The goal of the small group discussion are provide an opportunity for students to take the initiative and to deepen understanding of the material, and also can interact and discuss with others students.
4. Various interaction
In the learning process, surely there is interaction about the teacher and tne student. There are two kinds of various interaction, they are direct interaction and indirect interaction. First, direct interaction is the interaction that occur in the class. There are three various of direct interaction: whole class, small group discussion, and individual. Whole class is the interaction the teacher with all of the student in the class. In this case, teacher explain the general of the topic. Small group discussion is the interaction about the teacher with some students in the group. In here, the teacher visit in the small group and help the student if they are get any difficult material. Individual is the interaction about the teacher to a student. Teacher can identified the difficult student’s work. Second, indirect interaction that teacher not monitor the student activity. In indirect interaction, teacher give same homework to the student that can make students more understand about the topic.
5. Various teaching method
Accord to traditional teaching method, the teacher just explain the topic without involve student’s participation. This method is not effective because communication just from teacher to students, and students don’t have a chance to give opinion. But now, school based curriculum prosecute the teacher to do the learning process in many method. It can make the student more enjoy the learning. The student will be boring if there isn’t any variation of learning method. There are many kinds of teaching method, they are exposition method, discussion method, invention method, problem solving, practical work, contextual, problem posing, realistic problem, open ended, etc.
There aren’t the method that perfect to do in the learning process. The teacher should combine the teaching method. For example, the first of beginning the lesson, teacher use expository method that teacher explain some material about the topic. After the student knew the general of the topic, teacher make small group and give some student’s worksheet. Then, teacher give any time to some of student to present their conclusion in the discussion.
6. Student’s reflection/presentation
After student know the material or discuss about some topic, the teacher should give any time to the student to present their idea about the topic. Each student can compare each solution and get the new logical and many ways to solve the problem. The students needs an aims to improve their selfconfidence. Talking in front of class is one of way to realize that. Student’s reflection is very important to know how far the students understanding about the material.
7. Cognitive scheme
Cognitive scheme is what is teaching content to make student’s cognitive capability. It is the general and basic of the topic. It contain the lesson framework or concept that can helps the student to organize and interpret the material of the lesson. With framework, the teacher can plan the lesson easily and there is the harmonious the lesson. Schemas can contribute to stereotypes and make it difficult to retain new information that does not conform to our established schemas. Schema are constructed through experiences with specific instances. They start as a simple network and develop into more complex structures. Mature schemas are more extensive, more organized, and contain more characteristics that do less mature schemas. Cognitive scripts can be acquired either directly or indirectly.
8. Student’s conclusion
The nature of learning is student’s conclusion. After students construct their idea about the topic, the student must be conclude about the topic individually. In the learning, the student review the material that be explained by the teacher before. The teacher can order some student to explain their conclusion about the material of the lesson. So, the teacher is not give the conclusion to the students. If any material that student not understand, the teacher complete the review until the student know all of the material that they learn.
9. Apperception
Apperception is the readiness of student to learn the topic. Teacher just help the students to construct their understanding about the topic. To know about readiness the student, the teacher explain any topic that can make any question from student. Teacher can give any question to the student. But, teacher also must be prepared any idea that can make the student active to construct the idea. The teacher also show a few works from many students in front of the class, so the other students can see there are a lot of ways and point of view to solve the problem.
10. Assessment
Assessment is mean the record. In the learning process, the teacher should record the student activity and identifying the student that not understand about the topic. Assessment not only by evaluation, but also by record student’s achievement continually. To record the student, there are three component of assessment, they are cognitive, affective, and psychometrics. Assessment is used to determine what a student knows or can do, while evaluation is used to determine the value of the lesson. Evaluations often utilize assessment data along with other resources to make decisions about revising, adopting, or rejecting a the lesson.
11. Various media
Teaching media is the media that the teacher use to facilitate the student. Example of various media are: power point, projector, laptop, books, speaker, video for learning, etc. Media of learning will make easier the learning, both for teacher and for student. Teacher is easy to explain the material by using some media. In otherwise, advancement of technology prosecute the people to do and get the globalization. Media can be made by teachers themselves and there is produced at the factory. There are already available in the environment for immediate use and some are deliberately designed.
12. Various teaching aids
Teaching aids is tools used by teachers as facilitators learning to help students improve their skills and knowledge, to illustrate the material, and to make student’s understanding easily. Teacher must be creative to make same teaching aids that can facilitate the student to learn about the topic. In other wise, various teaching aids will make different learning atmosphere that can make student more enjoy the lesson.
Traditional learning method must be changed by constructive learning method. Old paradigm about learning process must be leave and do another model of learning process. School based curriculum prosecute the teacher to teach better more then traditional method. The teacher must be creative to make the learn to be student center that students can construct their idea about the topic. Teacher must manage learning process and prepare the learning before the lesson. There are many point that must be doing by the teacher to implement school based curriculum. If the teacher can implement school based curriculum effectively, it can produce the student that can implement mathematics in the daily life.
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